Being involved in a serious injury-causing accident can raise a lot of questions. Three of the most common ones are:

  1. Who will pay for all of this?
  2. How much is my case worth?
  3. Should I hire an attorney?

Between expensive car repairs, time away from work, medical expenses, healing from your injuries, and dealing with unfair insurance companies – you’ve got a lot on your plate. 

This is precisely why many people choose to hire an attorney – to alleviate some of the stress that results from an accident, to get answers to all of your questions, and to make sure you get the full compensation you deserve. 

Do You Really Need a Lawyer?

If you’ve been involved in an accident, you have two options: tackle your claim yourself or rely on an experienced lawyer to handle it for you. 

Take a look at several reasons why it makes sense to let a lawyer handle your accident claim:

You Might Inadvertently Hurt Your Case

If you choose to represent yourself in your personal injury case, you could say or do things that may jeopardize your chances of recovering fair compensation. For example, in some contexts, a simple apology could be interpreted as an admission of liability. Even if you do not completely admit fault, if you mistakenly say something that indicates partial liability, it could significantly affect the amount of compensation you end up receiving. When you retain a lawyer, he or she will communicate with the insurance company or the other party on your behalf, ensuring that you do not say or do anything to hurt your case.

Experience and Expertise You Can Depend On

There’s nothing simple about law, especially when it comes to automobile accidents. Without legal experience, you’re at the mercy of the insurance company and their highly paid lawyers to give you a fair settlement.

Keep in mind that insurance companies are in business to make money. They want to protect their own interests first, which means paying out as little as possible. Without experience or legal representation, it’s easy to be taken advantage of. 

An experienced car accident attorney ensures you start off on a level playing field and get treated fairly.

They Know How to Take On Insurance Company Bullies

You may believe that making an insurance claim is a simple, black-and-white situation – that you present the information regarding your injuries and the company gives you a fair and proper settlement. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. 

The insurance adjuster’s job is to minimize the amount their company has to payout. They’ll start with a low settlement offer in hopes that you’ll accept it and sign a release waiving your rights to make any future claims regarding the accident. Many accident victims fail to realize that an offer is inadequate and they lose their rights to the compensation they deserve.

Attorneys know how to properly value your claim and deal with the insurance adjusters who may otherwise pressure you into signing an unfair settlement agreement. 

Your lawyer will handle all the hurdles set forth by the insurance company on your behalf so you can focus on your recovery.

Help Prove Liability

A successful car accident lawsuit hinges on whether you can prove fault or liability. To do this, you’ll need evidence from accident reports, witness testimony, and other pieces of data to support your claim.

Lawyers are skilled at collecting evidence that meets the strict standards of admissibility. They know exactly how to present the data to give your case the best possible outcome. 

Prevent Evidence from Being Lost or Destroyed

If you wait to start gathering evidence or don’t follow proper protocols it’s possible that evidence will be lost, destroyed, or inadmissible – for example, video surveillance footage can be deleted, memories can fade, and documents can be lost. When you retain an attorney they will immediately start collecting evidence on your behalf, minimizing the chances that evidence critical to your case will be lost or destroyed.

Maximize the Value of Your Claim

Now you know that the first offer the insurance company makes is never the best, but how much money would make the settlement offer fair?

Car accident claims aren’t easy to value and depend on many factors, which could put you at a disadvantage if you try to figure it out yourself. 

Medical bills, car repairs/ replacement, rental vehicles, property damage, and missed time from work can all add up. If you’re unable to go back to your job due to injury, future income loss should be factored in as well.

In addition, the pain and suffering you face should also be accounted for in your settlement.

An attorney will ensure you don’t miss anything and that you get the highest settlement amount for your claim.

Represent You in Court

If the insurance company that you are dealing with is unwilling or unable to make a reasonable settlement offer, it may be necessary to take your case to trial. The process of filing and conducting a personal injury lawsuit is extremely complicated and attempting to represent yourself puts you at a distinct disadvantage. 

Insurance companies are in the business of denying claims and undoubtedly have a team of skilled insurance defense lawyers ready to litigate a case at the drop of a hat. As an accident victim, you need to be prepared to take your case to trial, and the best way to do that is by working with an attorney who has a proven track record of getting their clients the settlements they deserve.

Get Help Today! Contact Verhine Law For a Free Case Evaluation

Partnering with a car accident attorney won’t solve all your problems, but it can help ease your path to recovery. Receiving a fair settlement for your accident can take away the financial stress and help you move on from your accident with confidence. 

Call Verhine Law at 601-GET-HELP (438-4357) or contact us online for a free, no-obligation consultation today!